"If I Don't Pick Up Don't The Phone Like I Use To ...Don't You take It Personal...If I Do I All The Things That I Use To ...I Ain't Mad At You...If You Get To Feeling Stressed Up In Your Chest Thinking That You About To Lose...Baby it's true...And If You're Losing Out On Sleep Home Worrying About Me...This How It Be...If You Don't Know Now you Know You Going To Miss My Love And I Ain't Stressing Bout A Dawg On Thang Cause I was True When I Gave You My Love...If You Search You Will Never Find Another Love Like My LoveYou going To Miss Me I Ain't Got Time While You Sit Around And Play With my Love...If You Think I Caught A Feeling When I Heard About That Other Chick..Noooo I Already Knew About It I Just Needed Time Just To Clear My Mind And Ask Myself Why I didnt handle it...And If You Would've Taken care Of Home,'Stead Of Leaving Me Alone I Would Be Right There With You Taken Care Of You Steady loving You Like I Used To Do...There Was Once A Time I Blamed Myself For What Was Wrong...But I Can See So clearly Now Cause You Are Gone That's How I Spend All My Time When You Weren't Home Playing Around With Them Raggedy Hefers...No More stressing, No more crying, No More Trying I Would Rather be Alone I'd Rather Be All By Myself...Because This Valuable Heart Of Mine Was Yours Until I Realize Finally Opened My Eyes.....You See Ladies, I Know, I Knew Better...What Was I Thinking. He Going To Miss Me When I'm Gone.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Cant Shake the Thought....
With time comes healing....well at least I hope so. There are so many things I wish I could go back in time and do over. You know that thing that just always resurfaces back into your mind even though you know there's nothing at all that you can do to change it. I try constantly to become a better person everyday, but can I do that with the thoughts of yesterday on my mind? I guess I want time to heal the pain my decisions have cost me. Amd when I say heal I dont mean forget...forgetting can cause the same mistake to happen twice. i just want to be at peace.....
Friday, March 12, 2010
Rain Down On Me....
To some the rain is depressing...To me a rainy day is like your excuse to a sweet excape. There's nothing like gray skies, that fresh rain smell, and seeing those tiny driplets of water fall from the sky. It makes me want to just take off all of my clothes and curl up in my covers (*bonus if you have someone special to get close to*) and just relaxxx! It is the simplest thing we can do for ourselves only half of us never have the time. So I dont know about all of you but today is a perfect day to just chill and get back to your number 1 person....YOU!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
So I may be a weirdo for this one but when it comes to relationships i wish I lived in a time where there was NO SOCIAL NETWORKS or OOVOO or SKYPE and all the other bull**** that there is out there now!! Ok I'll admit I was excited about being able to video chat my boyfriend while I was out of town or if I just missed him....but let me rephrase that in case you missed a part. I WAS HAPPY TO CHAT WITH MY BOYFRIEND!......I guess you can see where I'm going with this now.....Right???? If not let me help.....There is a thin line when it comes to all this new chat crap...I dont understand why there are like 20 females on his contact list....I mean call me whatever buuuuuttttt I'm pretty sure if I had nothing but boys on my contact list there would be hell to pay. Seriously WHAT THE **LL is there to talk about over video chat?????? I'm sorry is texting not enough now???? Or facebook or twitter??? Like WTF is that important that you have to SEE...I guess it's all in fun and let me see "wanting to make people laugh" but let me get one thing straight you make THEM laugh while it simply just PISSES ME OFF....hmmmmmmm maybe roles should be reversed then maybe they should be the girlfriends and I'll be the one that he makes laugh because maybe the grass is greener on the other side. There is noooooo question at all in my mind that with all this web SH** relationship are well.....doomed.
Had to Get that One of my Chest...........
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Something REAL
...People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so out of control that you have to transform your life...
Peace Love And Today Plenty of COFFEE
Peace Love And Today Plenty of COFFEE
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I'm leaving....
...."My attitude is celibate...I dont give a f***"
Feeling like it's time to look out for Kayja. Tired of thinking about how to please the next person, I cant look out for me and the next and the next. When the next is only thinking about themselves. YUP!
"Blame it on me!"
Friday, January 15, 2010
Wale Pretty Girls Video Shoot!
Monday, January 11, 2010
A lil Something....
Hello All......
I'm feeling very blue-ish today (not sad) I'm just calm and cool and relaxed. I wont say much today but I gotta say Thank you to God...I just feel so blessed, I have a good job, going to school, my family is ....well family, my relationship is getting it's mojo back and I just had to publicly just thank the lord. Before I go I just wanna leave you all with this and I read this early this morning, so maybe that's why I was in such good spirits.....
"You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you."
Have a good night!
Peace...Love...and of course...Ice Cream =]
Friday, January 8, 2010
Giving and Taking.....
...So let's talk about....RELATIONSHIPS. I guess there's no secret that when it comes to relationships it's not always fair, it's not always 50/50. Sometimes when you're with somebody it feels good and so right there seems like nothing can ever go wrong...and then there's times when you feel like everything is going wrong. It's almost like you're literally blind folded and your trusting your all in your significant other, if there's a sick on the ground you would hope that they wouldn't let you trip. However, there are times that they get distracted and you fall. Then the decision is on you... there are three choices...1) You get up put the blind fold back on and keep on tripping over more sticks. 2) Get up say F*** the blind fold and him and walk the other way. 3) You continue to follow only this time you peak through the blind fold so that you can still see the sticks that are in your path, then when you've gone over enough sticks without tripping, you allow your eyes to slowly close again... being completely blinded.
I guess there is no telling when the person you trust with your all will let you trip and fall or if they ever will, and I guess that's what make this fascination with this thing called love... well fascinating. I think we as human beings are compelled to the things that are unknown. I know for me I am completely terrified of the idea of "sleeping with a broken heart" but what I'm even more terrified of is never being able to say I've loved before. So I'll just Give and Take and continue to do a lucky blow on my dice before I roll them into the game of Love...
Peace.Love. and Ice Cream =]
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Live to Learn and Learn to Live
.....It's so funny how as we grow older and mature, we face the same conflicts over and over again. I guess that's the part of life where we are to look back and think about how we handled each situation differently at each point in our lives. As for me I am learning that sometimes things don't go the way we plan them all the time. Before every happily ever after there are always A LOT of bumps in the road. You have to defeat the dragon before you can get to the castle...right? In everything that we do there is always going to be problems...school, work, relationships. I am learning to love every imperfect thing about myself, and I am focusing on what I want out of life....And so should you.....
Peace...Love....and Ice Cream =]
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