So let's talk about....RELATIONSHIPS. I guess there's no secret that when it comes to relationships it's not always fair, it's not always 50/50. Sometimes when you're with somebody it feels good and so right there seems like nothing can ever go wrong...and then there's times when you feel like everything is going wrong. It's almost like you're literally blind folded and your trusting your all in your significant other, if there's a sick on the ground you would hope that they wouldn't let you trip. However, there are times that they get distracted and you fall. Then the decision is on you... there are three choices...1) You get up put the blind fold back on and keep on tripping over more sticks. 2) Get up say F*** the blind fold and him and walk the other way. 3) You continue to follow only this time you peak through the blind fold so that you can still see the sticks that are in your path, then when you've gone over enough sticks without tripping, you allow your eyes to slowly close again... being completely blinded. I guess there is no telling when the person you trust with your all will let you trip and fall or if they ever will, and I guess that's what make this fascination with this thing called love... well fascinating. I think we as human beings are compelled to the things that are unknown. I know for me I am completely terrified of the idea of "sleeping with a broken heart" but what I'm even more terrified of is never being able to say I've loved before. So I'll just Give and Take and continue to do a lucky blow on my dice before I roll them into the game of Love...
Peace.Love. and Ice Cream =]
OMG I loved this one Beanie!!!! whenever in doubt come back and read this!!